One to One individual Training

By arrangement at Aytee’s home in Cust, Canterbury. We do not train on live game but will train you to train your dog in the techniques of successful hunting and retrieving, working with cold game when appropriate and help you to improve the partnership with your dog.

Phone: 021 277 9008 email:


Lucie I cannot thank you enough. The improvement in Ludo’s confidence in a short few days was nothing short of outstanding and the confidence I have gained from the time spent with you will stand both in good stead in the future.
— Grant Silvester & "Ludo" Surrey
His retrieves are getting better, but still need some work and I am keeping it fun for him. It is his hunting that has come on really well. He is not getting so distracted by all the ground scent and working much better. Thanks again for your help.
— Nick Wilkinson & "Jackson" , Lincs