Born 6th July 2011

hip score: 2-2

Gene TESTED K locus: KB/KB (unable to produce tri-colour)

Dora is a dog of a lifetime. She is everything an owner could want and is a wonderful companion.

Dora is a dog of a lifetime. She is everything an owner could want and is a wonderful companion.

She is here in action winning the Kennel Club HPR Championship 2015

Dora on left at 1 year old after winning at Norwich & District Wildfowlers WT

Dora(lf) 1yo winning at Norwich & District Wildfowlers WT (Dam on rt)

Dora started shotover work in Sep. 2013 showing fantastic pointing skills and a wide running style.  She won her third field trial at  2 years 3 months and then at the end of the following season won two open trials in the same week making her up to FT CH.   She worked grouse for the first time later that summer and was winner and 2nd in her only grouse trials. Two more trials followed with two more awards and then 4 weeks later she won the KC HPR Championship 2015 in Yorkshire. 

She ran in field trials until 9yo winning a total of 8 Firsts, 17 awards in total and 16 Green Stars in Irish Kennel Club field trials.  She can be seen in our videos of GSPs working in the field.

She has given us the beautiful “K”,“L” and “O” litters which include FT winners and a champion. She is still shotover from time to time, which she loves …. at aged 13

Dora running at the KC HPR Championship 2019

Dora running at the KC HPR Championship 2019

Sire: Aust & Am ShCh Valache Brooklyn Dodger