Dora gained a 2nd place at the Scottish Gundog Associations All Aged Field Trial at Craig Castle yesterday.  She kept her cool during a complicated retrieve with 2 grouse down, being sent for the furthest  (a runner) and then finding herself amongst a fresh covey.  Completely steady and working hard she failed to find the bird, but it was never recovered so on she went to complete further runs with good points and a super retrieve. Many Congrats to Luise with her two lovely dogs taking 1st and 3rd and to the Host, Judges and everyone else who took part in the day.  It was a wonderful time and great sport.  We just need to move closer to those Scottish moors!

2nd Lucie Hustler

STOP PRESS:  Following this we went south to Kent and Wales, this time working amongst 100's of freshly released birds.  Two more Open Trials and two more awards.  Well done Dora.