Monday I travelled to Norfolk to my long standing vet Roger Bannock for 1yo Mavis’s hip/elbow score xrays and thank Roger for his expertise and taking such time and care. It was then 12 year old Dora’s turn to visit our local Cheviot Vet in Kelso for mammary tumours to be removed. Massive thanks to vet Claire Hicks, the large wounds are healing beautifully. Two days later and our cattle vet Galedin of Galashiels is performing a midnight C-section in teeming rain by headlights and head torch, on our smallest Belted Galloway Cow. Watching young vet, Mary Hall plunge into the cow and pull out this monster of a bull calf was something to behold, the right decision at the right time for which we are very grateful. Both cow and calf are doing well.

Vets are coming in for a lot of stick at the moment, but in one week I have experienced a phenomenal work ethic, great expertise, kindness and sense of humour in the toughest of conditions from 3 quite different veterinary surgeons - we must never forget how lucky we are to have these wonderful professionals to call on. Thanks Guys !

Our little monster wearing Johnny's fleece 🤣

Our little monster wearing Johnny’s fleece 🤣